Be part of history! We need YOU to be a 43rd Delegate to the Washington State Convention

We're asking YOU to consider running to be a 43rd LD delegate to the Washington State Convention! And we're asking you to join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can vote for delegates to our state convention.

Already convinced? Then go to to register to run as a delegate.

Why become a State Delegate?

  • You will vote on the WA delegates to the National Convention to nominate our candidate for President.

  • You will nominate the Democratic candidates for Governor and other statewide offices.

  • You will propose amendments to and vote on the Washington Democratic platform.

  • You will meet other energetic Democrats and kick off the 2024 Get Out the Vote effort.

Who can be a State Delegate for the 43rd LD?

  • Any Democrat who resides in the 43rd LD.

  • We also want to hit our Affirmative Action targets, and so are especially seeking delegates who are Hispanic/Latino, Black, Native American, AAPI, LGBTQ+, younger than 35, or who have a disability. The self-nomination process will ask for demographic information.

Who will vote on 43rd LD State Delegates?

How can you become a 43rd LD State Delegate?

Want more information to make up your mind?

We'd love to see you join the 43rd and become a State Convention Delegate!


Comprehensive Plan, Resolutions, Budget! Attend the 43rd Dems March 19 General Meeting!


February 20 General Meeting: Black History Month Presentation, State Delegate Process, and Ceasefire Resolution